PipeWire Client

digraph inheritance { rankdir=LR; GObject -> WpObject; WpObject -> WpProxy; WpProxy -> WpGlobalProxy; WpGlobalProxy -> WpClient; GInterface -> WpPipewireObject; WpPipewireObject -> WpClient; }

struct WpClient

The WpClient class allows accessing the properties and methods of a PipeWire client object (struct pw_client). A WpClient is constructed internally when a new client connects to PipeWire and it is made available through the WpObjectManager API.

void wp_client_update_permissions(WpClient *self, guint n_perm, ...)

Update client’s permissions on a list of objects.

An object id of -1 can be used to set the default object permissions for this client

  • self – the client

  • n_perm – the number of permissions specified in the variable arguments

  • ...n_perm pairs of guint32 numbers; the first number is the object id and the second is the permissions that this client should have on this object

void wp_client_update_permissions_array(WpClient *self, guint n_perm, const struct pw_permission *permissions)

Update client’s permissions on a list of objects.

An object id of -1 can be used to set the default object permissions for this client

  • self – the client

  • n_perm – the number of permissions specified in the permissions array

  • permissions – (array length=n_perm) (element-type pw_permission): an array of permissions per object id

WP_TYPE_CLIENT (wp_client_get_type ())

The WpClient GType.